Judging Process

The judging process is in two stages, details of which are outlined below:

Initial entries received by the closing date will be scored by a Tourism NI judging panel according to a set scorecard. Scores will be moderated and reviewed by an external judging panel to decide on the winning entries.

A minimum of one winner and one highly commended will be awarded in each of the accommodation, experience and innovation categories. It is the at the judges’ discretion to award other places as they see appropriate.

The following scale will be used to score and moderate the written entries:

Judging Scorecard

Score Reason



Absolutely no relevant evidence offered and no understanding of the brand value criteria



Some evidence offered but it’s not specifically relevant to the category or to the brand values criteria being asked for



Evidence offered but not clear enough to illustrate relevance



Evidence provided is good but not enough to point to exemplifying practice



Very good evidence and benefits/implications across some or all of the 5 areas is well-articulated and understood
5 Evidence exceptionally good and benefits/implications across some or all of the 5 areas is very clear